Wednesday, April 7, 2010


C2V13: When we born, the form and feature of our body is definitely not like that of at 10 year’s age. As we grow up, our feature changes. It is obvious And nobody feel sad for that. Someone may sometimes brood to have lost his youth but he also would not prefer to remain looking as a 10 years boy at an age of 40. However, as the time passes, our physical feature changes. General people do not feel sad for that but as the death creates a sudden void; they get carried away with this event called death but not the wise and sensible. SHREE KRISHNA is telling Arjun that it is not a wise thing to brood on over death which is certain to happen. It is to be noticed that it is not being said to be insensitive to other’s pain peril and death. SHREE BHAGAWAN is teaching us to look upon the things and events without illusion.
Arjun, when was planning for the war did know very well that with whom he would have to fight. Now suddenly discovering that he has to kill his own relatives’ makes him confused. So his one view to fight is conflicting with his another view to not fight. This has been developed because the events were not viewed without inhibition.
A birth would yield joy and death would yield sorrow, these are the reality of life but both are the events to keep on happening. An enlightened person feel joy and sorrow but not surprised on these happenings.

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